What you, or your family, touch, taste, breathe, or swallow could be harmful!
Get help and information about poisonous and toxic substances from the California Poison Control System.
The California Poison Control System provides immediate, free, and expert treatment advice and referral over the telephone in case of exposure to poisonous or toxic substances. Pharmacists, nurses, and poison information providers answer the calls to 1-800-222-1222 and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Language interpreters are always available, just say the language you need when you call.
"We're a fully confidential medical service. (Call center) staff are highly-trained professionals who undergo rigorous training for two years in order to provide the best medical advice that they can."
–Dr. Cyrus Rangan, Assistant Medical Director, California Poison Control System
RTR4C envisions a world in which all who are touched by cancer – regardless of income, geography, background, or age – have access to inspiring and hopeful chemotherapy treatment facilities that support the healing process.
Community - RTR4C believes the collective energy, skills, and passion of a community can be harnessed to address the community’s most pressing needs.
Partnership - RTR4C views nurses, physicians, patients, and families as co-creators and engages these critical stakeholders to design beautiful, purposeful, and culturally-inclusive treatment spaces.
Empowerment - RTR4C believes beautiful and inspiring treatment spaces can help improve self-confidence of patients and better support families.
Simple Solutions - RTR4C believes simple solutions have the power to solve complex problems; in a single weekend, a treatment space can be redesigned to substantially and positively transform the healing process.
San Francisco Public Works is one of the largest and most complex municipal operations in the City, with a 1,600-member workforce and a $384 million annual operating budget. The department's active capital project portfolio exceeds $3 billion. As one of San Francisco oldest City departments, it is also one of the most forward-thinking.
As a 24/7 operation with a diverse set of responsibilities, Public Works touches every neighborhood in San Francisco. The staff designs and manages construction of civic buildings and streets, cleans and greens the right of way, maintains civic buildings; trains people for jobs, keeps the right of way free of hazards, paves the streets, repairs bridges and public stairways, expands accessibility and works at the forefront addressing some of San Francisco’s biggest challenges, including homelessness.